
Frequently Asked Questions

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Not at the moment, SmartPV will only work on single phase installations. To monitor either generated or used power separately you can use one of our other monitors. Contact support for help on selecting the best solution.

Yes! SmartPV is in use with wind turbines and Micro hydro installations.

Please Contact us if you need assistance, we are more than happy to help you get set up. 

It depends on how your system is wired. If the inverter feeds a consumer unit in the garage and you use power from that consumer unit the answer is no because the SmartPV transmitter needs its generate and grid sensors on cables within 1 metre and the cable from the other building will not be purely generated power. Contact support for advice.

Use the green round button to get the display to TIME. Press the red square button. A number between 30 and -30 will be displayed. 30 to – 15 should be good. Anything below -25 means you could be losing information. Moving the Smart display and the transmitter even just a small amount can make a big difference to radio reception.

Take a battery out of the transmitter, count to 10 and put it back in while watching the green light. This will flash rapidly a number of times before pausing and then continuing with its normal 4 second flash. You need to count the number of rapid flashes, this is the channel number.

On the display, press the green rectangular button to change to Day. press and hold the same button until Set and the channel number is displayed. This channel number should match the rapid flashes that you counted on the transmitter.