Eco-eye Elite 100

Eco-eye Elite 100
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The wall mountable Elite is the monitor to choose if you are looking for a way to involve your staff in the process of energy saving.
Price: £84.98
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Demand only monitor Dual Tariff Wall Mountable 3 phase ready
Suitable for 3 phase installation, the Elite 100 comes with an upgraded Elite screen, a new transmitter with computer interface and 3 13mmsensors. In addition, to a 100amp per input capability, the Elite 100 will also display amps and all periods in kilowatts or cost.
Data logging of the 3 sensors is available from the data port on the transmitter. This requires the optional USB data cable and TraxTX software that can be downloaded from the Trax page.
Additional displays are available to get the 'save energy' message out to all users in the building.
- Large, clear display unit (170mm x 80mm x 25mm)
- Three small 13mm sensor units
- One Transmitter unit
- 4 AA batteries
- Instructions
- Can be calibrated to match specific loads between 90 and 255V
- Show values to 3 decimal places
- Can easily be programmed to exact requirements using YES/NO buttons